650 radio 12v car power adapter


With cigarette lighter plug to run your radio from the vehicle.

SKU: RAD-650-12v Category:

Have a Question?

We understand that you may have a load of questions for us to answer, so we have included a list of our most asked questions.

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We are always happy to help you.

if you have a question you want us to answer or would like some extra help, fill in the contact form and we will get back to you.

Can we use different radios with your equipment?

Yes. Radios from different manufacturers simply have different connector plugs.
Some standard connectors are listed on the site. If you cannot see what you want, please call.

Digital or analogue - Which is better?

Digital radios can produce clearer audio, but if the signal is weak or there is interference the sound cuts off completely (like digital TV).
Analogue radios may fade out or crackle, but can still be heard at great distance.
Digital and Analogue radios share the same frequencies, so are just as likely to suffer interference.

What is PMR 446?

After CB radios, the EU released a set of 8 frequencies (Channels) on the at 446Mhz (middle of the UHF band) for the general public to use without a licence.
Recently, these have been extended to 16 channels, but as mobile phones have become more popular PMR radio is mostly used by shop & security staff etc & little by the public.
The new upper 8 channels are very rarely used as older radios generally cannot access them.

Should we get a licence?

If you go licence-free, our radios will come with the new, extended 16 PMR 446 channels pre-programmed. Each of the 16 channels will be allocated a “random” privacy code “CTCSS” to avoid cross-talk with other teams.
In practice, it’s entirely possible for 2 teams to be using the same channel, but would be very unlikely to actually hear each other due to the “CTCSS” coding. If they are both transmitting at exactly the same moment, you can get interference, bt again, as most transmissions between the Pit & driver oare only for a few saeconds, it’s fairly unlikely to cause a problem.
A “Simple UK Licence” from Ofcom will allocate you a number of VHF & UHF frequencies (Channels) that are not accessible by the public. Again we can programme these frequencies into your radios along with “CTCSS” codes to further reduce the instances of interference.
A 3 year licence is £ 75 to cover your team. We can assist in your licence application if required.

Do we need to fit a remote antenna?

Yes, if your vehicle has a metal body it stops radio signals getting in or out. Without an external antenna your radios would by useless.
Karts & boats generally don’t need a remote antenna as they are open, but ideally the radio / antenna needs to be mounted as high as possible to give the best performance.

Can we also use a race receiver (Nitro-Bee)?

Yes. some teams purchase their own, some are allocated them by “Race Control” to monitor safety announcements.
Our pit headset has a special input socket so that you can connect a race receiver directly into the speakers.
Our vehicle wiring harness is designed to allow a race receiver to be plugged into the lead alongside the radio so that the driver hears “Race Control” directly.
The leads for these connections are available separately.